Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Congratulating Peter Singer

This post is to congratulate Peter Singer on receiving the honour of Companion of the Order of Australia.  The man is a controversial fellow, but is something of a hero of mine who has spoken some difficult truths that have had people throwing things at him on multiple occasions.  He is a radical when the need to be a radical is there, and is moderate when one should be moderate, fighting for sustainability, animal welfare, and human rights.

Relevantly to this blog, he is also an ally of the zoophilic community.  He has spoken up for the legalization of zoophilic (but not zoosadistic) sexual interactions and has been the author of several articles supporting us, including the famous Heavy Petting.

I wish I could say I've met the man, or that I knew more about him so that this could be a more lengthy blog post, but I do not, and do not wish to make a fool of myself by pretending I do.  I do however feel it necessary to spend a week celebrating this man's recent achievement, which I feel is, if not a small and silent victory for zoos, a large victory for animal welfare.

So, regardless on your opinions of his ideas on the ethics of abortion, euthanasia, etc., I feel it's impossible to deny that he is an admirable fellow for exploring so calmly and intelligently such controversial issues, and I believe it would be a fine thing to raise our collective glasses in his honour.

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